Tuesday 5 August 2014

Introducing Caspar - Happy 11th Birthday!

Back in 2003, my sisters and I had finally worn down my mum and convinced her it was time to get a dog. So in October (or was it November?) of that year, we went around looking at dogs in a local pet shop and we stumbled across two black labrador pups; a brother and sister. The sister was cute. She looked adorable, sitting on the floor in the little room they had to be kept in because they'd just been vaccinated and so had to avoid contact with people. But the brother? He jumped up, front paws on the gate in front of them, his powerful black tail wagging like crazy, his gorgeous brown eyes staring at the four of us stood there, staring back at him. And we knew. He was coming home with us! We had to wait a few days, until the isolation period was up, and it felt like forever! And now, 11 years on, he's the most important man in my life. And now, excuse me while I indulge in some shameless showing off! I'm going to skip craft for now because I really want you to meet Caspar. So here's Caspar!
 Look at those big, beautiful eyes! That nose! Those floppy ears! Even that mole!
So what can I tell you about Caspar? Well, in a nutshell, he really likes naps...
and he really likes cuddly toys...
but most of all, he really loves food!
Lets start with his eating habits, since they are so important to him. He's on a special diet because he's allergic to pork and beef, but medicated or hypoallergenic foods are too harsh for his sensitive stomach. So his meals are chicken and rice, which he devours, especially with a bit of oat bran on top. Well, he needs the extra fibre! And for his snacks? Fruit and veg! Yes, that's right. Caspar loves most raw fruit and veg. Carrots are his favourites, but he loves cauliflower, apples, tomatoes, cabbage, berries, peas, sweetcorn, everything as long as they aren't limp leaves or chantenay carrots. And like most labradors, he WILL act like a starved pup the second anyone has food near him.
That right there is the look he gives you when he wakes up from a nap because he can smell your food. Who'd think he was 11 years old, eh? No one, that's who! Even the vets find it hard to believe he's 11. I give all the credit to a very privileged life full of raw fruit and veg! And on that note, I shall leave you with the following photo because I need to get some sleep so I can make his special birthday treat before I head to work!

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