Wednesday 30 July 2014

Hello world *waves*

Hello people! I don't know how you've stumbled across this blog but welcome! My name is Mahima and I'd like to welcome you into what is likely to end up being a mix of my attempts at creating beautiful things - both food and non food - and me gushing over my dog.

With food, I love most things and try recreating anything I can find the ingredients for. If I can't find the ingredients, though, I just throw together whatever I have. Don't go expecting beautiful masterpieces. No, no. I'm more of a comforting, home food type of girl, and presentation isn't really my thing! But I'll try, just for you!

As for my dog, he is an 11 year old black Labrador, and I can happily spend all day staring at him.

More on all that later. Right now, my stomach is rumbling and I need lunch. If it turns out well, I shall be sharing one food adventure later today, so until then, take care!

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